Friday, 24 July 2009

The biennale was a massive amount of art for 2 days but none the less an amazing experience. The artwork that I would definitely included in my top 3 of favorite works was Australia's exhibit.

Outside you are greeted by a sleek black car and a black building with Australia on it but the bottom of the T was a lightning bolt. It got me really excited because i was sure i would see something fast paced and action packed.

When i walked into the black building I was proven wrong. It was a compilation of videos that had been put into slow motion. Due to time restraints and readers possible boredom I will talk about the video I enjoyed the most.

There were five monitors one on top of the other, so it stood about 20 feet. Each monitor contained a different person spinning in slow motion (e.g. a guy on a bike or a girl on stilts) and each video was a different length. The videos created an elegant dance in my mind, with each video starting/stopping and being at different positions at different times. It was very beautiful.

~ Andrew

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